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I'd better not say anything
If I want to remain a single person
Mind about logic and discipline
Never lose my time with the loneses

But there's a feeling, I can't explain why
That makes me lose my time listening to the wild
Let it come, overcome me
Let it reign, and lose in it

Well I must admit I must be lazy
I mean if I play music then I am lazy
Well I know you're going to say that in my music
(as if to soothe me) I'm putting discipline

I do know it is right, they're not just fun songs
Why if this is the case, shouldn't I start writing

If I keep being a cohabitant to myself
Then what shall I be for the person I live with
I mean she means to me and we're other cohabitants
Writing all this I sit by myself

Saying saying yet staying
Writing with a view

When I'm finally disciplined
I'll stop altogether talking and playing
When I'm finally disciplined
I'll open a book and start reading, yet I...